This past week Bekkah and Jackson have both seen thier cardiologists. Jackson is still doing well. His murmur is still there, and he still has some leaks, but they are small. He will have another echocardiogram in September and if all is still well, he will be discharged! Yeah!!
Rebekkah's heart is still very pre-excited (beats too fast). As a result she burns calories quickly and doesn't gain weight like she should. But he said she looks really good and her tests came back ok. He wont take her off her meds, but he didn't put her on a higher dose either. She's still too small for the surgery for her WPW. He wants to check her Ebsteins to see if the valve is growing ok and to check the size of her heart. But to do that she needs to hold still for the Echo and she doesn't do that very well. We had a hard time just getting a reliable EKG. So we are going to wait for a few months then try it. If she is still too wiggly they will sedate her. He also told us that if she were to "grow out" of the WPW, she would have done it by now. So I guess we're in this for the long haul.
Though my hopes of going off meds were not realized, I still felt good about the visit. Her cardiologist is very positive and upbeat and that helps to calm my fears.
I know the Lord is watching over her.